HomeThe Traveling Trivet Throw Back Thursday Archive by category "Mom’s Home Cooking"

Mom’s German Chocolate Cake

Mom’s German Chocolate Cake
Comments : 2 Posted in : Cupboard Love, Growing up Krejci, Mom's Home Cooking, Swankey Sweets, Sweets on by : TetonTrekker
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Back in the day, my mom always made my birthday extra special with her homemade German Chocolate Cake. Even though I don’t make it now because I’m the only one who likes the frosting, this cake will always hold good memories. My mom’s secret? Using real buttermilk and folding the batter patiently.

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Šunkafleky Chronicles

Šunkafleky Chronicles
Posted in : Cooking With the Krejci's, Mom's Home Cooking on by : Julie B Wilson
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#TBT Here’s the 7/8/21 Throw Back Thursday recipe, “Šunkafleky “. Tune in at 6pm Mountain time tonight for another episode, on my @TravelingTrivet FaceBook VIP group.

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