Apple Strudel

Posted in : Cooking With the Krejci's, Cupboard Love on by : Julie B Wilson Tags: , , , ,

Throw Back Thursday Recipe Reading

Bohemian-American Cook Book

Automatic Printing Company
Omaha, Nebraska
4th Edition 1947

PG 182

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Oven Temps

In the old days of using wood stoves, the draw of the fire determined the "speed" of the fire. It wasn’t until the 1920s that electric ovens with clearly defined temperatures came on the market.

  • “Very slow oven” =  around 200-250F
  • “Slow oven” = 250-350F
  • “Moderate oven” = 350-400F
  • “Quick” or “hot oven” = 400-450F
  • “Very hot oven” = 450-500F

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I am a Senior Consultant for Pampered Chef. I love the products and use them myself every day. I am working to become a director and make Pampered Chef my full time job. Along the way I'm making new friends, and cooking new recipes. Life is good!

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