HomePauline’s Letters

Pauline’s Letters

The Story of Pauline Lampley and Abb Truett

Janie Pauline Lampley, born November 25, 1907, in Cheatham County, Tennessee.

Pauline is my Grandmother, I never knew her because she died just 20 days after my mother was born. The letters, mostly between my grandfather and grandmother, span from June 1940 to her death in 1942 .

“The Life Story of a lucky Tennessee Sailor that Lived to Retire” is my Grandfather, Abb Truett's, life story that he wrote about himself . I have included excerpts these to fill in the story.

The story starts with an entry from Abb's life story about his military life. Pauline's first letter is one to her sister the year before she met my grandfather.

Abb Roach Truett, born on June 27, 1894, in Lyles, Tennessee

I will be blogging a new letter every few weeks, I include old family photos and "This date in history" snips within each blog post.

Please take this journey with me in my grandparents love story and subscribe to my blog to be notified whenever I post new letters.

Note: My Grandfather was in the navy, the letters and his life story span through Pearl Harbor Day. Within the first couple transcriptions I realized that some of the language my Grandfather used in his writings were ethnic slurs common in the 1940's. Rather than censor his writings I have added aTrigger Warning to the pages with sensitive content.

The Letters

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