Pauline’s Letters
The Story of Pauline Lampley and Abb Truett

Pauline is my Grandmother, I never knew her because she died just 20 days after my mother was born. The letters, mostly between my grandfather and grandmother, span from June 1940 to her death in 1942 .
“The Life Story of a lucky Tennessee Sailor that Lived to Retire” is my Grandfather, Abb Truett's, life story that he wrote about himself . I have included excerpts these to fill in the story.
The story starts with an entry from Abb's life story about his military life. Pauline's first letter is one to her sister the year before she met my grandfather.

I will be blogging a new letter every few weeks, I include old family photos and "This date in history" snips within each blog post.
Please take this journey with me in my grandparents love story and subscribe to my blog to be notified whenever I post new letters.
Note: My Grandfather was in the navy, the letters and his life story span through Pearl Harbor Day. Within the first couple transcriptions I realized that some of the language my Grandfather used in his writings were ethnic slurs common in the 1940's. Rather than censor his writings I have added aTrigger Warning to the pages with sensitive content.
The Letters
- April 1917Click to Keep Reading ...
An excerpt from “The Life Story of a lucky Tennessee Sailor that Lived to Retire” by Abb R. Truett:
November, 1940, I was called by the Navy for ... - June 3rd, 1940 Dear MaeClick to Keep Reading ...
Dear Mae, Read your letter this morning, sure was glad to hear from you. I am having a good time but not as good as I had last ...
- November 1940Click to Keep Reading ...
An excerpt from “The Life Story of a lucky Tennessee Sailor that Lived to Retire” by Abb R. Truett:
November, 1940, as we came up from the south ... - July 5th, 1941 Dear PaulineClick to Keep Reading ...
Gee jack I wish I had more time off while you are out here, so I could be with you more.
- August 12, 1941 Dear PaulineClick to Keep Reading ...
Sam’s Birthday is September 15 that will be the code for the date we will arrive in San Diego or any name stating date so you understand ...
- August 15, 1941 Dear PaulineClick to Keep Reading ...
I haven’t heard from you since my last 2 letters. You probable haven’t recovered from the shock. As soon as you get your breath I will be looking ...
- August 17, 1941 To my Dear Future Sweet WifeClick to Keep Reading ...
I received your letter today as we will be sailing early in the morning for Honolulu. I will tell you how glad I am when you said “yes”. ...
- September 10, 1941 Dear PaulineClick to Keep Reading ...
I will get some time off for Christmas. I told Lieut Lett confidential about us but it was too good to keep secret so all the Naval Officers ...
- September 18, 1941 Dearest AbbClick to Keep Reading ...
Received your letter yesterday, Honey. I sure was glad to hear from your, I missed your letters so much. Just counting the days until I see you again.
- September 21, 1941 Dear PaulineClick to Keep Reading ...
I have 1 sister May Russell at Lyle, Brother Henry “The Navy”, Russell, Woody & Day at Turlock Ca. Mother is at Day’s now, His two boys Billy ...
- September 24, 1941 Hello DarlingClick to Keep Reading ...
Honey I will try to make you a good wife so we will be happy. Of course we don’t know each others disposition. I will try to be ...
- September, 29 1941 Dear AbbClick to Keep Reading ...
I received the package Sat. I was excited as a child on Christmas morning, they were lovely. I like to wear beads. And they are so odd. I ...
- September, 29 1941 Dear PaulineClick to Keep Reading ...
It will be just like going to heaven when we come in to home port and I can see you. We will never let our honeymoon end honey.