Working Gal’s Vegetable Salad

Posted in : Atomic Cooking on by : Julie B Wilson Tags: , , , ,

Throw Back Thursday Recipe Reading

Favorite Recipes of Home Economics Teachers
SALADS Including Appetizers

Favorite Recipes Press, 1964
Montgomery, Alabama

PG 290

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A Pimiento Tidbit

A pimiento is any kind of pepper. In some English speaking countries, it is mostly associated with a variety of large, red, heart-shaped chili pepper that measures 3 to 4 in  long and 2 to 3 in wide.

Pimientos can have various colors including yellow, green, red, and maroon. Some are green when immature and turn red when they reach maturity.

The flesh of the pimiento is sweet, succulent, and more aromatic than that of the red bell pepper. Some varieties of the pimiento type are hot, including the Floral Gem and Santa Fe Grande varieties. The fruits are typically used fresh or pickled. The pimiento has one of the lowest Scoville scale ratings of any chili pepper.

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